We discover the secrets of polymer materials
Łukasiewicz - IMPIB offers a research and development solution in the area of polymer materials

What's New with Us

UMK’s H.E. Rector Prof. Andrzej Tretyn on a visit to our Institute
Last Friday, we hosted a special guest at our Institute – the JM Rector of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Prof. Andrzej Tretyn, PhD. .
about us
Łukasiewicz is:
Łukasiewicz-IMPIB is a part of Europe’s largest research networks, comprising 22 institutes which employ a total of 4500 scientists and engineers. Together, we create innovative solutions to help companies gain advantage in their businesses.
- · we solve technological problems
- · we conduct R&D projects
- · we conduct research and certifications
- · we help create new products
- we make technologies better-working, less expensive and more efficient
our specialty
Research directions
Polymer Material Research
- · optical testing;
- · physio-mechanical and thermal testing;
- · plastic film activation tests;
- · microbiological testing.
Elastomer and Rubber Research
- · chemical composition testing;
- · physio-mechanical properties of elastomer and rubber compounds;
- · rubber resistance to temperature and diverse media.
Paints and Plastics Research
- · testing of thermal properties of polymers;
- · determination of the Vicat softening point (VSP);
- · determination of the heat deflection temperature (HDT),
- · testing of resistance properties of plastic products and pipes;
- · in-use testing of sanitation devices and fittings.
Identification and qualification testing
- testing for compliance with the requirements of relevant standards (national and foreign).
step by step
History of Łukasiewicz-IMPIB
Łukasiewicz-IMPIB operates in three locations whose mutually complementary activities enable comprehensive implementation of the Customers’ needs.
At our main seat in Toruń, we specialize in processing of polymer materials. The Centre for Paints and Plastics in Gliwice specializes in research and development works in the area of technology of paints and coatings, as well as processing and application of polymer materials. The Centre of Elastomers and Rubber in Piastów is the leader of R&D works in the area of processing and application of rubber and elastomers.
Łukasiewicz – IMPiB is the only Research Institute in Poland having such an interdisciplinary scope of activities, offering efficient solutions in the area of engineering of polymer materials, elastomers and rubber, paints and coatings, as well as design and construction of machines and devices for processing of polymer materials, in modern forms of cooperation with the industry.
Łukasiewicz Research Network - Institute of Engineering of Polymer Materials and Dyes
Institute for Engineering of Polymer Materials and Dyes – incorporation of IPG Stomil as well as the IBiPO and KiTW
“Metalchem” Institute for Plastics Processing – incorporation of OBR “ERG”
“Metalchem” Institute for Plastics Processing – incorporation of IPTiF from Gliwice
“Metalchem” Institute for Plastics Processing
“Metalchem” R&D Centre of Chemical Machines and Devices
Central Office of Construction of Chemical Apparatus and Machinery
We have been active for more than 60 years
Łukasiewicz Leaders
They will answer your challenge

dr inż. Ewa Langer
Ewa coordinates the works of the Paints and Plastics Research Group. In the Institute, she is involved in development of technologies of coating products, including UV-cured and sunlight-reflecting products, testing of paints and coatings, as well as synthesis of new organic compounds.
Completed projects:
• BIOSTRATEG1/269056/5/NCBR/2015 “Interdisciplinary research for the improvement of energy efficiency and increase of the share of renewable energy sources in the energy balance of the Polish agriculture”;
• CORNET/22/1/2016 “New generation of zinc primers with improved anticorrosion, application and ecological properties (ZINCPOWER)”.

dr inż. Cezary Dębek
Cezary coordinates the works of the Elastomer Materials Research Group specializing in design, modification and testing of elastomer/rubber materials, as well as recycling of used products made of such materials, particularly of automobile tyres.
Completed projects:
· Development of an elastomer spring for tension of a take-off launcher.
· Development of an improved product as a result of R&D works encompassing creation of innovative rubber compounds with nanofillers in the form of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT).
· Development of a production technology of components of soluble and insoluble sulfur with an addition of relevant polymers.

mgr inż. Adrian Bartnicki
Adrian is responsible for the works conducted by the Machinery Technology and Construction Research Group. This team develops innovative technologies, designs prototype machines and production lines at a laboratory and industrial scale for customers from the polymer material processing sector.
In spite of his young age, he has already amassed much experience in complex implementations.
Completed projects:
• Development and construction of a module for preparation of the material for printouts of experimental hybrid materials.
• Development, implementation and launching of a technological line for meltblown-method production of non-woven fabric to be used in FFP2 face masks.
• Development, implementation and adaptation of a granulation technological line with a twin-screw extruder to a XPE foam production technology.

dr inż. Andrzej Stasiek
Andrzej is the Area Leader in the Machinery Technology and Construction Research Group.
He is involved in development of new products made of polymer materials and production technologies thereof on a laboratory and industrial scale.
He designs plasticizing systems for single-screw and twin-screw extruders.
Completed projects:
- Development of a material composition of biodegradable bubble wrap.
- Development of a material composition of mixtures for production of chemically cross-linked polyethylene foam.
- A plasticizing system for a single-screw extruder with degassing intended for production of dyeing concentrates of polymer materials.
- A plasticizing system for a concurrent twin-screw extruder intended for production of mixtures used in the production process of chemically cross-linked polyethylene foam.

Ignacy Łukasiewicz
The patron of our research network is Ignacy Łukasiewicz (1822-1882) - Polish pharmacist, entrepreneur, social and patriotic activist, philanthropist and precursor of the oil industry. Founder of the world's first oil mine, inventor of the kerosene lamp.
our partners
Who has challended us?
We are open to cooperation with every enterprise, regardless of their size!