See how we can help you.

Research and development works (R&D)

Development of innovative technologies in the area of paints, coatings, environmentally-friendly polymer materials.

Innovative technologies and devices

Design and production of equipment for plastics and rubber processing and recycling.

Product Certification and Standardization

Scope of the accreditation no. AC 004, Centre for Paints and Plastics, a Product Certification Body (PCB) meeting the requirements of the standard PN-EN ISO/IEC 17065:2013-03 Conformity assessment — Requirements for bodies certifying products, processes and services, and accredited by the Polish Centre for Accreditation (PCA) – Accreditation Certificate no. AC 004.

Space rental

Rental of premises in an office building at ul. Szosa Chełmińska 30 in Toruń


Tests, among others, microbiological, optical, physical-mechanical and thermal in accredited laboratories.

Processing of materials and rubber.

Regranulation, grinding, crushing, thickening and testing of the regranulates produced.

Centre of Patent and Standardization Information of the Nicolaus Copernicus University & Łukasiewicz – IMPiB

Since 2022, a User Service Point of the Centre of Patent and Standardization Information has been operating under the Patronage of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.

Specialist trainings

We conduct trainings and courses for students, entrepreneurs and employees of companies.

We combine science with business

Meet our technologies

Sealing systems used in special vehicles

Developed for AMZ-KUTNO S.A. and implemented by Łukasiewicz – IMPIB, the production technology of composite sealing systems, apart from meeting quality technical and operating requirements, also enables flexible modification and adaptation to current technological as well as business needs; it has a real effect on cost optimization.

Dominik Dębiński, Director of Research and Development Office

Development of a microbiological enzymatic biopreparation accelerating the composting of polylactide (PLA) products

Our adventure with Łukasiewicz-IMPIB is an explosion of ideas, full of passion and creative thinking. From an idea, through hard work, to full implementation; it is a journey on which you will be taken by professional and experienced scientists, and all you have to do is to fasten your seatbelts on this microbiological rollercoaster. This is how the world’s first composting accelerator for our bioplastics has come into being. This is how more excellent projects are created: only with Łukasiewicz Institutes.

Adam Uptas Managing Director

Development of innovative materials for making of polyamide-based profiles with the extrusion method.

Łukasiewicz – IMPIB is a long-year partner of Thermoplast Permanent Development S.A. At our company, we care for constant development and innovative solutions created with participation of our scientific partners. The support from scientists of the Łukasiewicz – IMPIB has enabled, among many others, the implementation of the project concerning “development of innovative materials for making of polyamide-based profiles with the extrusion method.”

How has Łukasiewicz-IMPIB helped:
· support in selection of extrusion compositions;
· verification of properties of the obtained mixtures and ready products.

Piotr Dyba Board Member for Development

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