International Cooperative Fair of the Tool and Processing Industry INNOFORM® 2024



The two-day International Cooperative Fair of the Tool and Processing Industry INNOFORM® 2024 began yesterday, in the heart of the Tool Valley in Bydgoszcz.

This year’s fair is an excellent opportunity to present the refreshed offer of our Institute, boast about implemented projects and find partners for further cooperation.

The participation of our Institute is supported substantively by the Deputy Director for Research, Dr. Eng. Tomasz Żuk and representatives of the Technology and Machine Construction Research Group, who present the #W12 extruder.

Our Institute’s offer also includes laboratory tests in accredited laboratories:

The “Polymer” Research Laboratory conducts laboratory testing in the area of polymer materials, including: optical testing, physio-mechanical and thermal testing, plastic film activation tests, as well as microbiological testing.

“LABGUM” Research Laboratory located in the Elastomers and Rubber Center

in Piastów has specialized measuring and testing devices that constitute the basis for reliable quality assurance of tests.

The tests are conducted using research procedures developed on the basis of Polish standards (PN, PN-ISO, PN-EN, PN-EN ISO), foreign standards (ISO, ASTM) and our own procedures. The laboratory has the Polish Accreditation Center Certificate No. AB 147 to meet the requirements of the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 standard.

The Paint Products Research Laboratory located in the Paints and Plastics Center in Gliwice has specialized measuring and testing devices that constitute the basis for reliable quality assurance of tests.

The offer is directed to manufacturers, producers and users of coating products. The laboratory holds a Certificate no. AB 163 of the Polish Centre for Accreditation for fulfillment of the requirements of the PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018-02 standard.

The Polymer Materials Research Laboratory is equipped with specialist measurement and testing devices serving as a basis for reliable assurance of research quality. The offer is directed to manufacturers of plastic materials, manufacturers of construction chemicals, as well as industries which use such products.

The fair was also an excellent opportunity to present the stages of the project titled: “Building boards with recycled raw materials” (Acronym REC-WIND).

If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them, please contact us:


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